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雷剑琴老师为资深比熊犬繁殖者,并于2009年完成中国第一只比熊犬冠军登录,这也是ngkc协会第一只获得bis的比熊犬,  2013年参加优卡杯,在比赛休赛期,雷老师经历了膝关节肿瘤切除手术,术后一个月,仍带伤坚持比赛,并带领爱犬获得成犬公组第一!2016年,雷建琴女士带领自己的KISS秀犬舍比熊繁殖作品,完成了名将NGKC超级大冠军登录,这也是第一只完成美国AKC全球服务项目冠军登陆的比熊犬,第一只完成超级冠军登陆的比熊犬,并代表中国之队的比熊第一受邀参加美国国家冠军展比赛并获得成犬公组第一的殊荣。

Ms Lei Jianqin, the founder of Chengdu Xinzhilv Gromming school and the manager of Kiss Kennel. She is the NGKC's grooming inspector, and she has over ten years' teaching experience, and receives more than 100 students. These students have good performances in many grooming competition, one of the students whose name is Liu Qiang, attended the MGA in Malaysia as a member of China team, and won the champion in the competition.
Ms Lei learned poodle grooming from her Korean teacher at first, and then learned bichon, poodle and terrier grooming from American and Japanese teacher, and recently she finished learning the pomeranian grooming.
Ms Lei has abundant experience in breeding bichon, and her bichon won the champion as a first bichon in China in 2009, its also the first bichon that won the best in show in NGKC.